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Sheremetyevo Airport has provided services toВ 18В million passengers since the beginning ofВ the year

Sheremetyevo Airport has provided services toВ 18В million passengers since the beginning ofВ the year  >>>

Sheremetyevo Airport has provided services toВ 18В million passengers since the beginning ofВ the year.

Passenger traffic onВ international airlines inВ January-July reached 10В million 554 thousand passengers, and onВ domestic airlines increased byВ 23,7%, totaling 7В million 325 thousand passengers.  >>>

Sheremetyevo greets top-of-the-line Airbus A350В XWB

Sheremetyevo International Airport greeted the cutting-edge Airbus A350В XWB, which stopped byВ inВ Russia while onВ its world demo tour. The aircraft landed inВ Sheremetyevo onВ its 55th Anniversary, onВ AugustВ 11. The historical flight was welcomed byВ hundreds ofВ photographers, fans and aviation lovers.  >>>

Sheremetyevo greets top-of-the-line Airbus A350В XWB

Sheremetyevo International Airport greeted the cutting-edge Airbus A350В XWB, which stopped byВ inВ Russia while onВ its world demo tour. The aircraft landed inВ Sheremetyevo onВ its 55th Anniversary, onВ AugustВ 11. The historical flight was welcomed byВ hundreds ofВ photographers, fans and aviation lovers.  >>>

Sheremetyevo met the newest Airbus A350В XWB

Sheremetyevo International Airport met the newest aircraft Airbus A350В XWB, which made ​​a stop inВ Russia asВ part ofВ the global demonstration tour. The aircraft landed atВ Sheremetyevo AugustВ 11, the day ofВ the 55th anniversary ofВ the airport. The historic flight was met byВ hundreds ofВ photographers, fans and aviation enthusiasts.  >>>

Sheremetyevo Airport turns 55В celebrating years ofВ development, achievements, traditions!

Sheremetyevo Airport turns 55В celebrating years ofВ development, achievements, traditions!  >>>

AВ new flight Moscow-Wuhan-Guangzhou from Sheremetyevo

Sheremetyevo International Airport and China Southern Airlines, the largest airline inВ China, opened aВ new regular flight onВ the route Moscow — Wuhan — Guangzhou.  >>>

Sheremetyevo will welcome the newest Airbus AВ 350В XWB

AugustВ 11, 2014 Sheremetyevo International Airport will welcome the newest wide-body aircraft ofВ middle dimension Airbus A350В XWB from Doha. Coincidentally, onВ this day 55В years ago AugustВ 11, 1959 Tu-104 airliner taking off from Leningrad, landed atВ Sheremetyevo airport, where airport services was first carried out aВ set ofВ commercial and technical service. This date isВ considered the birthday ofВ the airport.   >>>

Dobrolet opened new routes toВ Kazan and Ekaterinburg

Dobrolet Airlines started toВ sell tickets onВ the routes Moscow-Kazan-Moscow and Moscow-Ekaterinburg-Moscow.  >>>

The Sheremetyevo International Airport has selected aВ partner, AECOM, for implementation ofВ new Terminal BВ and Inter-Terminal Communication projects

OnВ July 8th, 2014, the management ofВ SP “Terminal BВ Sheremetyevo” and SP “Sheremetyevo Inter-Terminal Passage” signed with AECOM two project management agreements for construction ofВ aВ new Terminal BВ ofВ the Northern terminal complex (NTC) and Inter-Terminal Passage (passenger and luggage tunnels between STC and NTC). International company AECOM was selected byВ OJSC ’MASH’ and the investor asВ aВ result ofВ tender procedures. Partnership agreements are valid till 2017 — estimated deadline ofВ projects implementation.   >>>

Sheremetyevo Airport Presents Proposals toВ Aviation Leaders onВ the Strengthening ofВ Russian Airport Investment Potential

Sheremetyevo Airport isВ participating inВ the Second International Civil Aviation Leaders Strategy Forum toВ beВ held today, June 27th, 2014, inВ Moscow. Igor Yuganson, Advisor ofВ the General Director ofВ Sheremetyevo Airport, delivered aВ speech atВ the session entitled “Contemporary Issues inВ the Strategic Development ofВ Airports and Fuelling Enterprise”  >>>

Sheremetyevo Airport secures aВ successful liftoff for Dobrolet Airlines

With impressive speed, the airport has managed toВ establish favorable conditions for Dobrolet — readying the terminal and necessary equipment and allocating the required personnel   >>>

Sheremetyevo Airport has provided services toВ 11.5 million passengers since the beginning ofВ the year

Sheremetyevo International Airport has summarized its production performance for May and the first 5В months ofВ 2014. Since the beginning ofВ the year, the volume ofВ serviced passengers has grown byВ 9.8% over the same period inВ 2013, reaching 11.5 million passengers.  >>>

Sheremetyevo Airport presents its strategic development projects toВ the global aviation community

Sheremetyevo International Airport isВ taking part inВ the 134th IATA Slot Conference which isВ being held inВ Abu Dhabi, the UAE, onВ June 10–12, 2014. More than one thousand representatives ofВ the world’s leading airlines and airports have gathered toВ participate inВ the largest international forum onВ route development.  >>>

Air Serbia unveils its updated image atВ Sheremetyevo Airport

OnВ JuneВ 4, Sheremetyevo International Airport and Air Serbia held aВ joint event asВ part ofВ aВ campaign devoted toВ the air carrier’s rebranding and the presentation ofВ new services.   >>>

Regular meeting of Sheremetyevo Airport’s Board of Directors is held

OnВ JuneВ 3, 2014, aВ meeting ofВ Sheremetyevo International Airport’s (JSCВ MASH’s) Board ofВ Directors was held, chaired byВ Y.В A.В Kudimov.  >>>

Aeroexpress Introduced New Timetable since June, 1

AsВ ofВ 1В June 2014, Aeroexpress introduced amendments toВ the 2014-2015 train timetable. Extra services have been added and, onВ aВ number ofВ routes, the time intervals between them have been reduced.  >>>

Sheremetyevo recognized as Europe’s best airport by Service Quality Official Ceremony held for the recipients of the Airport Service Quality Awards

Based onВ the results ofВ Airports Council International’s (ACI) Airport Service Quality (ASQ) program, Sheremetyevo International Airport received anВ award asВ Europe’s best inВ terms ofВ passenger-service quality onВ MayВ 27, 2014. The official Awards Ceremony was organized asВ part ofВ the ACIВ EUROPE &В ACIВ WORLD Annual Congress &В Exhibition, which took place inВ Seoul, South Korea. AsВ the most important Congress and Exhibition inВ the airport industry, this time the event gathered over 1,000 executives and specialists from various world-leading airports. The overarching theme was Airports —Serving Clients and Communities. During both Congress days, airport managers and industry experts shared their experience and knowledge atВ presentations and interactive panel discussions. The exhibition hall featured over 100 stands presenting different airports, service providers and aviation-related businesses. The latest trends inВ the development ofВ infrastructure, technology and other products   >>>

Sheremetyevo Airport is Russia’s Passenger-Traffic Leader

Sheremetyevo Airport Ranks First among the Largest European Airports inВ Terms ofВ Growth Rate inВ March 2014  >>>

Meeting ofВ Sheremetyevo Airport Board ofВ Directors took place

OnВ MayВ 14, 2014 the meeting ofВ JSC Sheremetyevo International Airport’s Board ofВ Directors was held inВ the form ofВ voting byВ correspondence.  >>>

Sheremetyevo history museum invites passengers and guests toВ the night excursion

MayВ 17, 2014 Sheremetyevo History Museum participates inВ anВ evening tour marathon — “Night atВ the Museum”, the annual event that traditionally held inВ the capital.  >>>

From Sheremetyevo toВ Antalya with Onur Air

OnВ April, 24, atВ the beginning ofВ the spring-summer season, the first flight from Sheremetyevo toВ Antalya made Turkish airline Onur Air.  >>>

Since April, 25, flights toВ Simferopol will beВ operated from Domestic zone ofВ Terminal D

Since April, 25В from 8.00 p.m. passengers service, departing and arriving toВ / from Simferopol , will beВ transferred toВ Domestic zone ofВ Terminal D. Passengers ofВ respective flights will beВ registered onВ the counters ofВ domestic airlines . Thus, the flights toВ the Crimea will beВ operated byВ the domestic transportation rules without the procedure ofВ border and customs controls.  >>>

Sheremetyevo isВ the most favorite airport inВ Russia

Sheremetyevo International Airport isВ recognized asВ the most popular Russian airport among Russians, according toВ the survey ofВ the world ’s largest travel site TripAdvisor.  >>>

Сafe “Мoo-Мoo” was opened on the second floor of Terminal D

Dear passengers and guests!  >>>