Mobile informer: Aviation. Operatively and well about everything, concerning aircraft



INFORMATION: Airline news  | 
ACCURACY (departures): 8,70 (avrg. delay, minutes)
ACCURACY (arrivals): 23,55 (avrg. delay, minutes)
RELIABILITY: 1,67 (avrg. amount of cancels, %)

Ural Airlines

Millions of Russian and foreign people who have taken air flights with Ural Airlines' aircraft, a wide range of destinations with guaranteed full safety, the continuously increasing fleet of modern aircraft, the elite pilots and first-class engineers, the skilled managers and well-trained cabin attendants, an up-to-date quality and a complete range of services - this is the result of the airline's long-term activity for the sake of development of the transport infrastructure. Ural Airlines entered the Russian transport market in December 1993 when it was separated from Ekaterinburg Airport. The key activities of the airline are transportation of passengers and cargo, air ticket booking and sale, repair and maintenance of aircraft. Today, Ural Airlines is one of Russia's top ten airlines in terms of traffic volumes. From the very start, its General Director has been Sergey Skuratov. Mr Skuratov is Pilot 1st Class, Excellent Worker of Air Transport and Merited Transport Worker of Russia. The main guarantor for the safety of passenger and cargo flights and for the quality of the services is the Ural Airlines personnel. At present, over 1 600 people work in the airline. The airline's staff work to make the standards of the world's best airlines also the standard of professional ethics and behavior in U6 too. We entrust the control of our passenger aircraft only to the best skilled pilots. All our pilots possess a rich flying experience, a high level of training, and continually refine their qualifications. Ural Airlines regularly organizes and conducts, at its own expense, ground training cycles in the major training centres in Russia and abroad. The airline places special emphasis on the psychological training of the staff working in direct contact with passengers, on the enhancement of customer-oriented working skills. The Flight Attendants Service uses a comprehensive incentive program (the "Star System") for its employees. Silver or gold stars worn by flight attendants testify that their work is highly appreciated. Flight attendants regularly attend training, retraining and advanced training courses. Ural Airlines' Aircraft Maintenance Base is one of the most advanced ones in Russian civil aviation. Its technical equipment and the expertise of its engineers and technicians allows it to provide the necessary repair and maintenance of many types of aircraft. Ural airlines operates, under an operating lease agreement, more than fifteen modern Airbus planes (A320 and A321) on its domestic and international routes. According to the airline's advanced development plan, by 2015 it will operate over thirty foreign-made planes. In the modern context of global integration, partnership relations between airlines are a key to successful development of the air transport market. Currently, Ural Airlines has around fifty interline agreements with major Russian and foreign carriers, such as Czech Airlines, Emirates, Swiss International Air Lines, Air France, Malev Hungarian Airlines, S7 and UTair of Russia, and many others. Besides, we participate in the IATA Clearing House, which enables us to use the global mutual settlement system. Ural Airlines is also a participant in MITA, the Multilateral Interline Traffic Agreement. This enables the airline to expand its cooperation with its counterparts in various countries considerably. MITA staff is engaged in looking for most suitable partners. At the initial contact stage, airlines' proposals are automatically sent out to all MITA member airlines. MITA informs the proposing airline of any positive answers. Then representatives of the two carriers work directly. Ural Airlines continually adds new destinations. At present it flies to more than 120 airports. To make each step of the passengers toward their flight as convenient as possible, and the journey comfortable and memorable -that is the primary goal of the airline's customer service divisions. Among them is the airline's own multichannel Passenger Support Service +7 800 2000 262, +7 (343) 345­36­44 (toll-free within Russia). A major customer communication means is the airline's Web site, whose functionality is continually expanded in line with the modern standards of Internet servicing. New services have become available: SMS subscription on flight status, an online flight information display, taxi ordering, delivery of tickets, selection of in-flight catering. Air tickets booked online can be paid with a bank card, e­cash, through Gazprombank ATM's, payment terminals, m­payment Beeline, in Euroset mobile phone shops or using other modern ways of payment. The "ground" servicing of passengers is the job of Aviaagentstvo, which incorporates a network of the airline's own ticket offices in the Sverdlovsk Oblast, over 130 computerized terminals of Russian and international reservation and ticket sale systems, more than 60 agents of the airline selling passenger trips in this country and abroad. The airline's interests are represented in more than 30 cities of Russia, the CIS and other countries.
Date modified: 29.08.2011