Sheremetyevo history museum invites passengers and guests toВ the night excursion
May 17, 2014 Sheremetyevo History Museum participates in an evening tour marathon — “Night at the Museum”, the annual event that traditionally held in the capital.
That day atВ the museum from 18.00 toВ 21.00 every 30В minutes excursions for passengers, guests and aviation fans will beВ held. You can watch video about the unique Airport professions and the Airport inВ general inВ the conference hall ofВ the museum.
Sheremetyevo history museum isВ aВ modern, high-tech exhibit space. Attention ofВ visitors isВ drawn byВ unusual design solutions: the floor with airfield markings onВ it, the ceiling inВ the form ofВ sky with the Sheremetyevo routes net, aВ table-chassis and mobile ladder.
AВ breathtaking view toВ the airfield isВ offered from the windows ofВ the museum. Professional photographers orВ the passengers waiting for the flight, can make anВ excellent photo ofВ the taking off aircrafts.
Sheremetyevo history museum isВ located onВ the 5th floor ofВ Terminal F. Welcome everyone!
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