airberlin increases number of passengers and improves capacity utilization in August
In August 2011, airberlin, Germany's second-largest airline company, transported 3,759,405 passengers, i.e. almost one percent more than in the corresponding month of the previous year (August 2010: 3,726,914 passengers). Fleet capacity utilization for August reached 85.1 percent, i.e. an increase of 1.7 percentage points (August 2010: 83.4 percent), while capacity was reduced by 1.1 percent in a targeted manner.
For the period from January to August 2011, airberlin was able to increase the number of passengers welcomed on board to 23,991,972, i.e. an increase of 4.5 percent (2010: 22,952,423 passengers). Fleet capacity utilization for the first eight months of the year increased by 2.8 percentage points, namely from 75.2 to 78.0 percent. Accumulated capacity increased by 0.7 percent over the corresponding period of the previous year.
August 2011 August 2011, accumulated
Capacity4,415,517 | Capacity30,745,717 | Number of passengers3,759,405 | Number of passengers23,991,972 | Capacity utilization rate in %85.1 | Capacity utilization rate in %78.0 |
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