Leaders of the Airports Council International (ACI) Appreciate the Assistance Provided by Domodedovo International Airport in the Organization and Conduct of the ACI Economics Committee Meeting in Moscow
Mr. Olivier Jankovec, Director General of the European division of the Airports Council International (ACI EUROPE) – an organization that represents interests of more than 400 airports located in 45 countries of Europe – has forwarded an official letter to Dmitry Kamenschik, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the EAST LINE Group, thanking him for the assistance the Group provided in the organization and conduct of the 12th meeting of the ACI EUROPE Economics Committee that was held in Moscow on October 19–20, 2006. The standing committees of this influential international organization had never previously held their meetings in the Russian Federation or any other CIS countries.
During two days, members of the ACI EUROPE Economics Committee – representatives of the largest airports of France, Spain, the Netherlands, Greece, Germany, Malta, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Ireland, Sweden, and Russia – discussed important issues associated with further development of the European airport industry, such as the airport fee policy, airports’ requirements in capital investments, funding of value-added services for various passenger categories, methods that can help increase airports’ non-aviation revenues, etc.
“Sincere thanks to East Line Group for having perfectly organised and hosted the 12th meeting of the ACI EUROPE Economics Committee on 19 - 20 October” - wrote the ACI EUROPE Director General in his letter. “Your staff did an excellent job, all the participants were delighted by the evening event and by your warm hospitality”.
“We are glad that the ACI EUROPE Economics Committee chose to hold its meeting in Moscow. It reflects the growing importance of Russia and its capital within the European airport industry”, - noted Anna Krasnova, External Relations Director of the EAST LINE Group. “We intend to continue our active participation in the ACI EUROPE activities, as well as other international airport industry organizations. It will help Domodedovo International Airport to remain at the leading edge of everything that has to do with examination and deployment of best foreign management models, advanced technologies, and new services”.