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News: Regular meeting of Sheremetyevo Airport’s Board of Directors is held

OnВ JuneВ 3, 2014, aВ meeting ofВ Sheremetyevo International Airport’s (JSCВ MASH’s) Board ofВ Directors was held, chaired byВ Y.В A.В Kudimov.  >>>

News: Regular meeting of Sheremetyevo Airport’s Board of Directors is held
Страны\Россия\Москва\Москва - "Шереметьево", Россия\Airport news

OnВ JuneВ 3, 2014, aВ meeting ofВ Sheremetyevo International Airport’s (JSCВ MASH’s) Board ofВ Directors was held, chaired byВ Y.В A.В Kudimov.  >>>

News: Meeting ofВ Sheremetyevo Airport Board ofВ Directors took place
Страны\Россия\Москва\Москва - "Шереметьево", Россия\Airport news

OnВ MayВ 14, 2014 the meeting ofВ JSC Sheremetyevo International Airport’s Board ofВ Directors was held inВ the form ofВ voting byВ correspondence.  >>>

News: Meeting ofВ Sheremetyevo Airport Board ofВ Directors took place

OnВ MayВ 14, 2014 the meeting ofВ JSC Sheremetyevo International Airport’s Board ofВ Directors was held inВ the form ofВ voting byВ correspondence.  >>>

News: Sheremetyevo Airport holds aВ regular meeting ofВ its Board ofВ Directors

Today, onВ MarchВ 11, 2014, aВ meeting ofВ the Board ofВ Directors ofВ Sheremetyevo International Airport (JSCВ MASH) was held, chaired byВ Y.В A.В Kudimov.  >>>

News: Sheremetyevo Airport holds aВ regular meeting ofВ its Board ofВ Directors
Страны\Россия\Москва\Москва - "Шереметьево", Россия\Airport news

Today, onВ MarchВ 11, 2014, aВ meeting ofВ the Board ofВ Directors ofВ Sheremetyevo International Airport (JSCВ MASH) was held, chaired byВ Y.В A.В Kudimov.  >>>

Airline: Air China
Airlines\Air China

Air China is the only airline company which carries the national flag. It became a member of Star Alliance in December 2007 and it is also the airline partner of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. It has the first rank of brand value among domestic airline companies (the world brand laboratory evaluated it RMB 23.523 billion in 2007) and it leads domestic counterparts in passenger and freight air transport and related services  >>>

Airport: Domodedovo International Airport
Страны\Россия\Москва\Москва - "Домодедово", Россия

Moscow Domodedovo Airport is Russia's largest airport in terms of passenger traffic. Total passenger traffic of the airport in 2010 made 22 million 254 thousand people which increased 19.2% when compared with 2009.  >>>

News: First in a Series of Coordination Meetings To Oversee the Runway Intersection Renovation Project is Held at Vnukovo International  

April 9, 2011 saw the first in a series of coordination meetings take place at Vnukovo International, concerning the renovation of the runway intersection at the Airport.  >>>

News: Veterans’ meeting at the Domodedovo Aviation Depot!

Veterans of the Domodedovo Aviation Depot which celebrates its 45th anniversary this year have held a meeting at Moscow’s Domodedovo International Airport.  >>>